
Showing posts from December, 2013

Red Vs Black Dot.............

As the cliche goes, “If you lose your wealth, you have lost nothing, if you lose your health, you have lost something, but if you lose your character, you have lost everything. ” So here is the thing if you have your character intact you can regain everything you have lost or even if you don’t, you still don’t have to worry so much. Hold on to it and rest assured things will come around just fine. Being optimistic is one thing and being insane is completely different however both need some commitment on your part. A lifetime isn’t very long. – This is your life, and you’ve got to fight for it.  Fight for what’s right.  Fight for what you believe in.  Fight for what’s important to you.  Fight for the people you love, and never forget to tell them how much they mean to you.  Realize that right now you’re lucky because you still have a chance.  So stop for a moment and think.  Whatever you still need to do, start doing it today.  There are only so many tomorrows.

Say Cheese.......

How some pictures bring alive the future so vividly and distinctly. A case in point is the picture below when I saw it I saw so much more than just two beautiful hands with heena on them. I saw and felt love, tenderness, care, respect, cheerfulness, beauty, soulfulness, togetherness, friendship, breathlessness, happiness, selflessness, weightlessness, music, arrived…………………………..and so much more. However most of all I felt I need to hold my end until it begins all over again!

Distribution of relations...........

Two people when decide to be together, they are like a river which is a natural watercourse, usually freshwater, flowing towards an ocean, a lake, a sea or another river.  It would ran its initial course without any hassle (which was expected!) and it would pretty well at that. Then comes the phase where main stream channel have one of its stream branch off and it starts to flow away from river. If you see, that’s a normal phenomenon and if you go deeper, that’s where all the sense lies. One water channel, even if it wants to can’t cater to a population outside its zone. However when one of its parts decides to have its own course, so many other areas can come under the care of these two water channels. The same thing happens when two people separate. It gives them a chance and energy to nurture other relationships in their life. After all everyone needs their time with everyone concerned so yes, better that people too flow and behave like rivers. Nature is all powe