
Showing posts from November, 2013

Purposeful Month

You are born with a purpose and yes, sometimes you take that purpose to a higher level riding your own will power along with some fine thinking. You become important for some people along the way and you share a common purpose from there on. It is so rare that someone would know exactly what to feel and how to feel while dealing with life and what it has to offer. However I personally believe everyone does know how the other person is feeling, if not right away then may be some day it comes back with more force and from there on it’s an easy ride. November has given me two of the most amazing souls to realize my purpose in life. They have been there when it mattered the most and when I felt that they are not there, it bothered me and told myself may be it doesn't matter as they want me to go alone for some time. I wish both of them a great life, one has no choice but to look after me and the other has a choice- to or not to look after me. I would never know wh

The Guitarred Life

“The man that hath no music in himself, Nor is not moved with concord of sweet sounds, Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils; The motions of his spirit are dull as night, And his affections dark as Erebus. Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.”   What words and what music in there, Shakespeare was what only he could be…………………………………………… I read the above mentioned quote in ‘The Merchant of Venice’ text while at college and they still ring true. Recently while I was coming back to Dubai after spending the first lot of my yearly vacations, I watched ‘August Rush’ a third time and yes, there I got stuck on music. I plan to buy a guitar next month for I know I will be good at it. Well, that kind of belief gives me a start, right? If you can feel music inside you, then it’s all the more easy to bring it out…………………I wish myself some great tunes!!