
Showing posts from October, 2013

"Veni, vidi, vici"

Someone comes, sees and conquers……………………… Sometimes we find ourselves in a spot where we are not aware of what would happen next and that makes us curious in a content way. I have been enjoying this feeling for a 4 th year running and I still don’t have the faintest of ideas what’s happening. The start was enigmatic, then it went on to automatic and now if I may say it’s robotic. Every stage seemed surreal all the way. People change someone said, to that I say people never change. A changed situation makes them look changed however they remain true to their image. So once an enigma, always an enigma.  Why we all like mysteries? What is the point of being monotonous? Why we don’t like change? Why we don’t see a bad situation as an opportunity to feel the inner strength? The answer to all these questions is simple, life is a journey, you can skate through it, you can run through it, you can swim through it, you can walk through it, you can sit through it, you can let it ru

The first brush with another car............

How unfortunate? How sad? How unlucky? Why me? What else? Now what? How would I handle the unexpected costs? Am I? Unfair? I wish things could have been different? All these thoughts run over your mind when your car brushes another car and all your emotions come gushing down. It would happen and you will feel miserable. However the moment has past and even if you have all the power you cannot undo it. So the best way to deal with your first accident is to simply deal with it. We go and see a doctor from time to time to fix minor and major things, so does your car. Hence it is okay to know that these visits are justified by one way or the other. You love your car and she just so loves you. She took the hit on herself keeping you safe and intact. She did it for you and now it’s your turn to make her feel new and lively again. Just make that customary visit to the garage and yes, your car is back on track with some new fittings. It may sound like a cliché but it makes sense

Happy Sewing

It took me more than a month to fix one of my pants which had lost the sole button it had, to some rough handling on my part. A month because, one week I could just get a set of needles, the second week thread and then waited two weeks more to decide whether I should get it done by some professional or should an amateur graduate to a professional. Well, I decided to graduate. It’s a simple yet complicated process as you must be aware. I had a fully buffered youtube video (which I decided not to view instead remembered my mother and how she is so good at everything- cooking, sewing, and more) and yes, it did help a lot. The work was to be done by the needle and the thread in unison, I was a mere observer in the whole process and this thought paved the way for an exciting and fulfilling journey called self-reliance. I was happy at the end of it because now my pant which was 'useless' for over a month, was now in fashion again.................. Fixing a button and  f

Time changes every Zeptosecond…………

Time and tide wait for no one, well it can also be put as no one waits for time and tide. And  a counter theory suggests that it’s not time and tide which decide to walk out on us, we do. It is not easy to wait for time to change and we take the short cut and instead change ourselves to believe that the time has changed. It is a misunderstanding because no one would ever be able to say how your life would turn out had you stayed. If you are an observer then wait for the time and tide to break the mystery up in pieces and there you would be to gather those pieces and put together the best picture you had in your mind. Let things flow the natural course for some time and in the hindsight you keep up the pace so that when the natural course leads things to you, you are way too far strong even to swim against the stream. Your destiny is all you. You wait or you move, either of these will decide your future. Let us say you wait, then with some confidence I can say that you

A Tale of Two Cars and One ‘Bekaar’

I have enjoyed sitting in two cars so much that no other four- wheeler could ever come close to make me feel that special. Both of them belong to ladies in my life- one who made me and the other who will make me…………what I am and what I will be! I love them because they both have this instinct that makes them do things which few would even think about forget trying. It makes me a lucky man that I have been in the thick of the things where women rule the roost and are equal to men. I am so proud to say that. So the two cars are so much similar in the make, both have Japanese souls, small hatchbacks, same colour job, both have got customary black pony tails to ward of bad luck, the registration number too has few similar digits and letters. The first one made me happy as it was the first and second one made me happy again as it was again the first (in a different country). I believe when you spend a considerable amount on something, in this case cars, is always a resul

Wait & Its Worth In Gold!

Being strong is sometimes the only option you have for yourself and for the other people in your life. Ordinary people would not be able to step it up under pressure, however extraordinary people will flourish in these situations……………..not just flourish, flourish in a way they have never flourished. What is life without mystery and when you don’t have mystery to spice your life up, you create one. Most people would tell you that they like things planned and panned out and these people will be no more than just ‘people’ once something goes out of the way and they find themselves in harm’s way. The true meaning of life is revealed when faced with an uphill task and you deliver. On other occasions it is just a walk in the park year on year until you make that true and final stop. As they say nothing lasts, well, so and in my humble opinion, things which last are not meant to last in the first place…………………… And wait is good when you know what its worth.....................

'Hand of God'

The best assignment one can ever get is decoding the puzzle put up by the most loved person in one’s life. There can be no greater favor you could ever receive from anyone if they make you do more things than what you are capable of (at least that’s your first thought!). As they say, things which don’t kill you make you a better person. The under-laying message here is, if someone knows you well and that someone is also in love with you then it becomes their coherent nature to always guide you to higher grounds even if you are hurt by their actions because they know worse is not that bad after all and given the greater fruits of hardships which lie ahead (though not in sight as yet!) this grind is worth all that. ‘Hand of God’ is always guiding you in different forms, sometimes you pass through hardships to attain and enjoy that infinite bundle of joy.  And the ‘Hand of God’ which I have for myself is strong in will and beautiful in touch.

Tying up loose ends.........

Why relationships cannot stand the test of time, more often than not they crumble under pressure; instead they should flourish and attain a higher ground riding the junk they have been confronted with.  True, no one is required to make you happy, it’s all you, agreed, but what about finding ways to be happy in others' happiness. We are okay making compromises at every other area of our life yet when we think about relationships, the only way out is the ‘way out’. Forcing someone is not the right thing to do and one should never do that. And when you are projected as someone who is being forceful is again a weird thing because now the other one is trying to be forceful by saying that it is for the better that we part ways. Ironic!!! You don’t need anyone to make your life worthwhile however your thoughts seem incomplete when you picture life without that special someone. I find it weird that otherwise a very calm and concentrated person, you act wild when pushed to o

Start & Stop Vs Stop & Start

Life throws surprises and  the then we are faced with only problem, which is deciding whether to feel pleasant about the surprise or unpleasant altogether. And then the only choice you are left with is feeling pleasant, doesn't matter even if things you are looking at are unpleasant. I said feeling pleasant is 'only choice' as the other one is for losers. I often wonder how some people have all figured out in life and some spend all their life still figuring out. Is it something to do with the personality or it’s just how one decides to lead life. Though everyone has got issues/ problems to deal with and if you haven't  got any then you create some just to feel alive. For me life has been a start- stop saga. Start because there seemed an end to it and stop because there was a fresh start involved. So why can’t it be just a ‘journey’ instead, may be fast, slow, mundane, exciting or whatever......why start and stop or stop and start..........................