A Tale of Two Cars and One ‘Bekaar’

I have enjoyed sitting in two cars so much that no other four- wheeler could ever come close to make me feel that special. Both of them belong to ladies in my life- one who made me and the other who will make me…………what I am and what I will be!

I love them because they both have this instinct that makes them do things which few would even think about forget trying. It makes me a lucky man that I have been in the thick of the things where women rule the roost and are equal to men. I am so proud to say that.

So the two cars are so much similar in the make, both have Japanese souls, small hatchbacks, same colour job, both have got customary black pony tails to ward of bad luck, the registration number too has few similar digits and letters. The first one made me happy as it was the first and second one made me happy again as it was again the first (in a different country).

I believe when you spend a considerable amount on something, in this case cars, is always a result of hard work and perseverance. These two ladies have always been good at working hard that I can no longer associate them both with anything more apt than hardest- workers anymore………………………………..

I love them all………the owners and their pets…………and my feelings when I am with them! That should certainly be the best sentence by a 'Bekaar'......:) 


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