
Showing posts from September, 2013

Please don’t mind........

Today when I entered into my building's lift in Dubai, the air which came gushing out of the lift took me more than 20 years back and I felt as if I just entered a zoo in the city of Rohtak, India. The same zoo which I used to go when I was a little over 5 years and had that typical animals' smell. Mind is an awesome part of our body (the same brain helped my fingers write this….;) ) While just sitting in your balcony, you sometimes are not there and are somewhere else. Then one time you are on a vacation to a far off place and there you are at the same time in your kitchen preparing your favorite dish. Mind would just connect with every other part and organ of your body to deliver the final verdict about things and that’s it, we become slave from that moment until mind changes its ‘mind’. Mind can travel faster than electricity or let us just say it’s the fastest. It doesn't let anything just go or pass by; it captures everything, some in small degree

To be or not to be interesting!

There was a time when I would care the least about anything and be aloof and people would consider that as charming. And now, I find it strange as I have never been more grounded in my approach towards life and I know what I want out of it however this quality has more enemies than friends. So what is this when I propose a theory that you win if you are detached, and you lose if you are attached. People talk about crime done by others, but what they never pay heed to are the crimes committed by them against themselves. The best formula/e to deal with any situation is/ are to go back to the basics. What you think is aloofness, might be the speed you bring in your work and behavior. What you think is grounded, might be being monotonous and the likes. I may not know anything else, yet I know this, when someone hits rock bottom, he either drowns or floats but if he brings forth the basics he inherited or learnt, rest assured he will certainly enjoy the experi ence-

SharkURPRISE Attack!!

I was watching Bigg Boss’ on of the Season 7 episodes, and I heard something which sounded absurd at the first instant however ‘sank- in’ in minutes that followed- ‘When someone is feeling low or is down & out, do not, means do not sympathize or empathize with him else he will feel more down & out ’. That someone will feel weaker with time if people do not keep the consoling pattern in check. I have been in a similar situation- the side and the other side and have done exactly the opposite of what I am sharing here. Why does it happen that most of the things we do appear to be right until we stumble upon a conflicting theory and all of sudden we become followers of it too. I end it by just adding, “The surprise element is the sole basis of everything around us- behavior, thinking, speaking and all other human traits.” As long as you can surprise people by doing whatever you are doing, it does not really matter if you sympathize or empathize………………………………….

What goes around, comes around!!

I am living two lives right now, one which wants to hold on to whatever I have and the other one urges me to throw away everything I so meticulously had put together over the past three years. These are difficult times and I say that because the mind is in conflict with the heart and both are trying and sometimes winning arguments against each other. The body just is not able to handle it however it regains some strength at the start of each day to take on the world of emotions thrown by two conflicting parties. I realized that its easy to make peace with things if you are denied one thing however it becomes different when one by one everything is snatched away from you without any sign of remorse.They say everything happens for the best and I say worst things can sometimes turn out to be the best things as everything needs time to show its true nature and colour. I don’t know how much more I can handle, all I know is, it needs a heart of steel and mind of a 90- year- old to de

It Happens!!!!!!!!

As I was going for my 'night' driving class in Dubai I saw what I would say was the real preview of ‘mischievous’ happiness. A dad was walking with his son and daughter. Yeah, right, there is nothing weird about that. And the next thing I saw was, that the son moves ahead and starts doing something to amuse himself. And that is when his dad screams at him. All this happened in few seconds, still the girl had the time to smile about it and I had the enough time to record her emotions-  she looked so cute while smiling and watching his dad do the ‘thing’ to her brother. She must be speaking through his dad's mouth and to her amazement it was being heard too for a change. I moved on after I saw what I saw. However that was classic case of forced happiness and the best one at the same time.

The Fam(ous)ily........

My mom taught me never never never to give up and I guess I learnt that quite early in my life. She won't be entirely happy the way my life turned out to be but she would surely be satisfied with my approach towards life. Thank you mom for life.....and more importantly sharing the secret to lead it well. My dad is one innovator who is innovative and traditional, all at the same time. He is so dedicated and so down to earth. My kid sister got her sharp facial features from him and I am the proud recipient of his brains. I respect him a lot and my heart (sure got it from my mother) has always tried to learn from him every step of the way. My kid sister  is one mischieveous inspiration. She is fun, dedidcated and most of all aware of what she wants and where she is headed. You cannot be worried about such sister- good at studies, good at household chores, good with kids, wears 'never say never attitude' up her sleeves. Thanks for being my sister and being such sweetheart.

Coward in Crowd.....

Being alone in your room is sometimes overwhelming to an extent that you almost forget even that normal stage-fear and are so excited to address a crowd forget just being in a crowd.  And when you are trying to escape that loneliness and move out of your den, you are hit by that awesome alone moment while sitting near a park which is circumferenced by a road. There are people all around, birds are returning to their abodes and all these noise convert to some melody on its own and you see darkness which is way better than the light of the rising sun. That's when the soul comes to the fore and pushes body back to gift that calmness to the mind along with so many other things. It's always the moment which makes us feel and behave the way we do. So all we need is time so that the wheel turns in our favour and we become one ferry ride always having the same fulcrum and axis to rotate and revolve around . May this coward in crowd is covered in crossroads of fantasies....

A Boat & The Captain

Just saw a boat, steering through water like a knife through cheese. And that's how I started to think about how it was destined that I had to steer through something more rigid than water to pave way for my family to cross the international waters. I may be a boat who was happy standing still on land, but someone decided to test my strength by bringing water underneath and to my amazement and to someone's rationality, I was like fish in water. That someone has to reveal itself one more time and this time, for good. The boat needs its captain otherwise water or no water it would be standing all still soon!!!

Learning to hate........

She tells me not to be a kid, alright then I should behave like someone with a twisted mind............... She tells me to move on, alright then I should become insensitive......... She tells me to go with the flow, alright then I should become lifeless.......................... She tells me she doesn't love me anymore, alright then, let me too learn to hate .....................


Sometimes I feel weak and want to cry Sometimes I feel fine and want to continue Sometimes I feel happy and want to share Sometimes I feel exhausted and want to remain the same Sometimes I feel loved and cannot thank enough Sometimes I feel knowledgeable and that's when I feel more vulnerable Sometimes I feel ignored and there I sink deep Sometimes I feel rich and poor at that same moment Sometimes I feel homesick and then I feel I got to miss things to find new ones Sometimes I wait and then I wait some more Sometimes I feel life is alive and yet other times I feel life is just another name for struggle I just want to feel everything over and over again It's not a choice, it's just a way of life!!

Dubai CreekInfo

It was way past 9 pm at Dubai Creek and I was done with my daily- bodily chores. While I was sitting there doing my back straightening thing which one baba from India developed and I followed it up here in Dubai. I looked upwards and ideally, it should have been dark. But tell you what, it felt like I am here during the day just that there is no sun. The lighting which I could see around was the inner light or it was just my eyes looking at some powerful halogens. Whatever it was, it felt good to be alive and in the limelight at the same time. How many days during the week I have felt that I am too tired to go for a run at Dubai Creek. And how many times I have managed to deploy a tactical solution and tell myself that body doesn’t have mind of its own, hence I suggest something to my body- “no way- you need to drag yourself out now”. The feeling one gets after grinding one’s body for a good one hour cannot be surpassed by any other. And then later it’s the realization time

The Coining of the Name- Buffalo Soldier

"Buffalo Soldier" is a reggae song written by Bob Marley and Noel G. "King Sporty" Williams from Marley's final recording sessions in 1980.The title and lyrics refer to the black U.S. cavalry regiments, known as "Buffalo Soldiers", that fought in the Indian Wars after 1866. Marley likened their fight to a fight for survival, and recasts it as a symbol of black resistance. I for one am a passionate man and to go with it the name is reflective of my humble upbringing.