Dubai CreekInfo

It was way past 9 pm at Dubai Creek and I was done with my daily- bodily chores.

While I was sitting there doing my back straightening thing which one baba from India developed and I followed it up here in Dubai. I looked upwards and ideally, it should have been dark. But tell you what, it felt like I am here during the day just that there is no sun. The lighting which I could see around was the inner light or it was just my eyes looking at some powerful halogens. Whatever it was, it felt good to be alive and in the limelight at the same time.

How many days during the week I have felt that I am too tired to go for a run at Dubai Creek. And how many times I have managed to deploy a tactical solution and tell myself that body doesn’t have mind of its own, hence I suggest something to my body- “no way- you need to drag yourself out now”. The feeling one gets after grinding one’s body for a good one hour cannot be surpassed by any other. And then later it’s the realization time that feeling all alive is worth such grind any day.

Yesterday, I had a chance to witness an exciting phenomenon by accidently stopping and observing the pattern water sprinklers follow while at work. If I say that each sprinkler is a human being, then it’s interesting to see how one pair would never cross each other’s path if both are working all fine. And contrary to this, if there is slightest of the changes in their working capability, then there is a chance that they would cross each other’s runway.

What I am trying to bring out here is that while you are at it, keep working towards your basic goals, and also relax from time to time to make sure people who matter to you cross your path, and they choose so, not forced into.


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