SharkURPRISE Attack!!

I was watching Bigg Boss’ on of the Season 7 episodes, and I heard something which sounded absurd at the first instant however ‘sank- in’ in minutes that followed- ‘When someone is feeling low or is down & out, do not, means do not sympathize or empathize with him else he will feel more down & out’. That someone will feel weaker with time if people do not keep the consoling pattern in check.
I have been in a similar situation- the side and the other side and have done exactly the opposite of what I am sharing here. Why does it happen that most of the things we do appear to be right until we stumble upon a conflicting theory and all of sudden we become followers of it too.

I end it by just adding, “The surprise element is the sole basis of everything around us- behavior, thinking, speaking and all other human traits.” As long as you can surprise people by doing whatever you are doing, it does not really matter if you sympathize or empathize………………………………….


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