Coward in Crowd.....

Being alone in your room is sometimes overwhelming to an extent that you almost forget even that normal stage-fear and are so excited to address a crowd forget just being in a crowd. 

And when you are trying to escape that loneliness and move out of your den, you are hit by that awesome alone moment while sitting near a park which is circumferenced by a road. There are people all around, birds are returning to their abodes and all these noise convert to some melody on its own and you see darkness which is way better than the light of the rising sun.

That's when the soul comes to the fore and pushes body back to gift that calmness to the mind along with so many other things.

It's always the moment which makes us feel and behave the way we do. So all we need is time so that the wheel turns in our favour and we become one ferry ride always having the same fulcrum and axis to rotate and revolve around

May this coward in crowd is covered in crossroads of fantasies....


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